- Give yourself lotza love for choosing yoga!
- If you have any questions about your ability to participate safely in a yoga class, please contact your health care provider before you sign up for class.
- During class you will likely use a yoga sticky mat, a yoga strap, and one or two yoga blocks. Your teacher may have spares that you will be able to use until you get your own...I do!
- In addition to the props mentioned above, many students bring a water bottle and a small blanket or sweatshirt to class.
- You will be required to fill out and sign a Student Contact Info and Waiver.
- The teacher will not force you into's YOUR yoga and you will be in charge of how far you go. The teacher will offer you safe guidance instruction but you still make the decisions.
- NOBODY will be judging and/or looking at you! Even though it might seem like that would happen, you must trust me on this one. Initially you might find yourself looking at another class member or find one looking at you just as a reference point as to how the pose might look. Very soon students find that their eyes never leave their mat...when a student is "in the moment", the eyes might not travel past the soul!
- The teacher will treat all students with respect and dignity - not because of how awesome the poses look, but because EVERYONE deserves to be treated that way.
- I occasionally use hands-on adjustments in my classes, as well as visual and verbal direction. If you are at all uncomfortable with your instructor touching you, TELL THEM! You do not need to be on pins and needles, fearful that the teacher is headed in your direction...but you do need to let them know. There are many reasons that some people prefer not to be touched - all valid. Your wishes will be (should be) honored.

- I can't even touch my toes - am I too stiff for yoga?
- What should I wear?
It is nice to have a sweatshirt or small blanket and socks to keep yourself warm during the resting pose at the end of class.
- Is yoga a religion?