Some Things to Try...
5. Zen-in-10
If you would like to get moving and have a 10 minute exercise break, take a look here.
4. 30 Minute Yoga Nidra
If you would like to listen, I’ve recorded a 30 minute Yoga can find it here:
3. 54 Breath Meditation
54 Breaths
You may do this breath-work whether sitting or reclining. You might also use this as a way to let your busy mind take a break as you settle in to sleep.
You may do this breath-work whether sitting or reclining. You might also use this as a way to let your busy mind take a break as you settle in to sleep.
- Inhale and exhale normally as you settle in to a comfortable position. If you are sitting, do so with a straight back and lift up through the crown of your head; if you are reclined, lengthen your spine as much as you are able.
- This meditation requires nothing more of us than to count our breaths in a descending order. We begin at 54 and count backwards as we complete one full round of breath. Take your time and allow yourself to slow down a bit. One breath cycle, one count.
- Close your eyes if you are comfortable doing so; if not, just allow your gaze to be unfocused and gentle.
- You may begin whenever you are ready and you may stop at any time.
- Take a slow breath in and exhale slowly. Try to extend the exhale a bit longer. Count 54.
- One more breath in and out, count 53.
- Continue counting backwards as you breathe in and out.
- If (when) you realize your mind has wandered off and you have lost track of your counting, simply smile to yourself and begin again at 54.
- Continue. It does not matter how many times you need to start over - you have plenty of time. Just continue.
- When you feel like you've had enough, stop. Try it again another day.
- What is the goal? Is it to hurry and get to "0" so you can put a check mark on that line item ad move on? Spoiler alert: Nothing and nope are the answers.
- By practicing the 54 breath meditation, we become aware of how our mind's natural tendency is to wander. Sometimes it wanders to a wonderful vacation, a person we love and care about...sometimes it wanders to an embarrassing moment from 4th grade or how angry we still are with someone from our past! Give your mind a job - in this case, mind's job is to witness and count each breath. Eventually the mind will follow instructions, but until that happens, be very gentle with your mind. There is no use in scuffing yourself up because your mind is a wild monkey...lovingly offer if something (over and over again) to do without making up stories.
- Relax and enjoy!
2. Love your feet!
This exercise will allow you to really focus on something and at the same time, give some underused muscles a little workout. 🦶
You may do this sitting or standing - for me, standing is easier. You may opt to do both feet at one time, or you might concentrate on one foot and then the other.
Now, the big challenge!
When you’ve had enough, do some ankle circles. Point and flex your feet. Breathe slowly and offer gratitude for all the miles your feet have taken you. 🙏🏼💗
You may do this sitting or standing - for me, standing is easier. You may opt to do both feet at one time, or you might concentrate on one foot and then the other.
- Take your socks off and wiggle your toes. Place both feet flat on the ground. Consciously focus on the 4 corners of each foot: the inside heel, the outside heel, the big toe side, and the little toe side. Breathe.
- Lift all the toes up; set all the toes down.
- Press the big toes down and lift the other four.
- Press them all back down.
- Lift the big toes up and press the other four down.
- Press them all back down and take 3 long, slow breaths.
Now, the big challenge!
- Press the big toes and the little toes down...yes, at the same time 😂, and lift the three middle ones up. Some people find it easier to press the big toes down first, some like to press the little ones first and then the big toes. See what works best for you. Are you making a funny face? Have you recruited your hands to help you?
- Breathe!
When you’ve had enough, do some ankle circles. Point and flex your feet. Breathe slowly and offer gratitude for all the miles your feet have taken you. 🙏🏼💗
1. Mindful breathing/hand focus
If you find yourself feeling too stressed to focus, I invite you to give this a try:
Lay your palm down on a flat surface. With your other hand, trace the outline of your hand. On the inhale, slowly trace upward on a finger, let your exhale take you back down. Inhale, up the second finger, exhale down. Five times, five full slow breaths. Relax for 5 breaths. Now place your other hand down and repeat the process. Might you slow down your breathing? Are you able to lengthen your exhale just a little? Does it feel differently if you close your eyes?
Lay your palm down on a flat surface. With your other hand, trace the outline of your hand. On the inhale, slowly trace upward on a finger, let your exhale take you back down. Inhale, up the second finger, exhale down. Five times, five full slow breaths. Relax for 5 breaths. Now place your other hand down and repeat the process. Might you slow down your breathing? Are you able to lengthen your exhale just a little? Does it feel differently if you close your eyes?